You are free to ask me ANY question you like via email ( or client form. However here are a few answers to some obvious questions that you may be thinking.

How does distance energy healing work?

Whether it be Reiki, Chakra Balancing, or Crystal Healing, all distance energy healing works regardless of where the client and patient are in the world. The usage of distance Reiki symbols aids in the transmission of healing energy from Practitioner to Client. Since energy flows where the intention is set, time and space are not a factor. Pretty Cool, huh?

What can I expect during a distance healing session?

When you are ready to book a session, you will fill out a client form and express the reason for the healing session, as well as any specific concerns you may have. Depending on the client, a phone, email, or text conversation may be had prior. However, it is not truly necessary. The set time of your appointment will be the time I will conduct your healing session. However, since I am completely focused on the energy clearing and the intention of the session, some cases may take longer. This will not affect your healing session in any way, since time and space are not a factor when it comes to Reiki. You will always receive a full healing session from start to finish. Once your session is completed, I will email your reflection sheet which includes the start/end time of the healing session, as well as a photo of the healing space.

*The intention of the photo is for you to have a keepsake of your healing. When I use crystals, no placement is the same, so it is really cool to see photos of your actual crystal healing grids.

Do I have to lay down during a distance healing session?

No. You do not have to be laying down, in fact, your mind, body, and spirit will still receive the full benefits of your healing session even while actively doing something else. You can receive healing even while you are working or busy. However, if it is at all possible, I would recommend laying down, either in silence or with some light meditation music. The reason being is that you will be aware of the positive changes + vibrations in your energy fields more with stillness. Once the session is done, you will have had a better chance of feeling the positive effects of the healing session.

Will I feel anything during my healing session?

You may….you may not. Every single person is different. Whether you actually feel the energy flowing through you completely depends on how sensitive you are at that moment. You may feel more relaxed, a sense of warmth and comfort, tingling sensations, calm, and even sleepy. Your mental clarity and intuition will strengthen within the next few days and you may feel more enlightened. You will want to pay close attention to your mind, body, and spirit within the next few days of the session. I recommend keeping a journal and jotting down any feelings or changes in your energy, mood, and thoughts. This will help you keep track of what is working for you and what is not.

How many healing sessions do I need?

This is completely up to you to decide. Some clients reap amazing benefits from just one session. While others use energy healing as a form of maintenance and not just a one-time experience. Energy healing can be used on a regular basis exactly how we exercise on a regular basis. Exercise is to maintain a healthy + desired physical form, while Reiki is to maintain a healthy + desired mental, spiritual, and yes, physical form as well. On a daily basis, we can be faced with experiences that tend to affect our entire mind, body, and spirit. At the end of the day, one can feel completely mentally drained and physically beat up, all while just sitting at a desk. What energy healing provides, is a clearing of all of that negative energy that has been built up throughout the days, weeks, months, and years.

*If you really need advice on how many times one should receive an energy healing session. I would recommend once a month.

Is Reiki or any other form of energy healing harmful?

Simply. No. There are no known harmful experiences when it comes to energy healing and according to The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Reiki does not appear to have any harmful effects. With this being said, there is one concern when it comes to Reiki and any other holistic healing modality. That is, energy healing should never be replaced or substituted for licensed medical care. Instead, it should be used as a healing enhancer when combined with any form of modern medicine. Energy healing will act as the Robin to Batman.

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Can I book an energy healing session for someone else?

Of course, you can. However, a sacred rule of Reiki is that permission must be asked before conducting a session. In some way, shape, or form, you must ask permission of the person you would like to receive the energy healing. This is to always protect the integrity and purity of the Practitioner and healing session. There is an exception. If the person you want to receive the healing is unable to understand, consent, or respond to, and your intentions are purely for the good of the person, then you may give your consent on their behalf.

Please note: I have the right to refuse any service for any reason I feel in my heart is not for the purest intentions. You will receive a full refund in the event this happens. I intend it will not.

What is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is someone who can help guide you in the right direction of achieving your goals.  Depending on what you are seeking coaching for, an action plan will be developed where both Coach and Client will work together. Throughout the duration of Coaching, the Client will have accumulated all the tools needed to move forward with confidence and live their best life successfully.

What a Life Coach is Not?

A Life Coach is not a Doctor, Nurse, Counselor, or Physician.  Coaches do not diagnose nor prescribe any form of medical treatment.  If you are seeking a medical explanation for an issue you are having, then please consult with a Doctor.

What are the duties of a Life Coach?

When you think of the duties of a Life coach, let’s use the example of a personal trainer, which can also be known as a Fitness Coach. Their main goal is to guide you step by step, in any way possible,  for you to achieve your health and fitness goals.  You must be open, willing, and ready to get your ass kicked by the instructor if you truly want to see results.  The instructor has all of the tools needed, yet it is all up to you to discipline yourself and follow these tools.

This is the same as any Coach. The type of Life Coach you are seeking absolutely does not matter. What matters the most, is that you must be very ready and willing to mentally, emotionally, and sometimes physically get your ass handed to you, for you to unlearn and recondition what it is that brought you to see a Life Coach in the first place.

What are some reasons a person may hire a Life Coach?

There are many detailed reasons why one may want to hire a Life Coach. Then there are some who may not even know why they want to see a Coach. They just generally want to try a new way of shifting their life for the better.

I will use my services as examples.

A person may see an Intuitive Life Coach because of the way they have been thinking and perceiving the world, which has, in fact, been holding them back from achieving their truest potential.  Reprogramming the mind to trust ourselves more, will rewire one’s brain to think more positively, be more optimistic, and find meaning in situations instead of burdens.  Our world begins to change as soon as our thoughts do.

A person may see a Law of Attraction Coach because they want to learn more about manifesting and how their thoughts ultimately can create their reality, whether good or bad.  When we can grasp the hard fact that ‘thoughts become things’ like, for real, for real…then that is when we can manifest people, places, and things into our existence beyond our wildest dreams.

A person may see a Positive Psychology or a Happiness Coach because they simply want to learn how to be happy. Yes, we can get lost in life’s shit and find ourselves unhappy on a regular basis. Being unhappy and dwelling on negative situations, on a daily basis, is NOT ok.  It is harmful mentally, emotionally, and physically. Life can be hard for every single person. No one is left out. However, it is how we decide to handle these hard times that makes all the difference in the world.  Because ultimately it is our character that determines our destiny.

Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse is leaned more towards gentle Talk Therapy than Coaching.  A person could have suffered many years of narcissistic abuse to which recovery would include unlearning all unhealthy patterns, regaining self-esteem, and reprogramming the damage that has already been done, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  However, learning the proper tools and how to handle future situations with Narcissists and how to not become a victim of the same treatment, will require some deep Coaching and reconditioning.

Is having a Life Coach harmful in any way?

A Life Coach in general, No. However, which Coach you work with, does make a huge difference.  If you work with a Coach that does not have the purest intentions and is more financially focused, then you may not fully benefit from each session, resulting in time, money, and energy being wasted.  Coaching should be purely based on the well-being of the Client.  If our Clients do not make a shift in a positive direction, then the connection between Coach and Client may not be a good fit.

Can Life Coaches work with everyone and anyone?

Yes and No.  I will only speak for myself on this.  I cannot work with everyone.  You must be open-minded and willing to take direction for us to succeed in our sessions.  Whether you are trying to heal internally, become more positive, break unhealthy habits or just simply smile more, it will require true dedication and will-power on your part.  If you are ready and willing to do the work, then I’m your Coach!

How long should a person see a Life Coach?

A person can certainly benefit from just one coaching session. On the other hand, there are some people that have Coaches in their lives for years, because they feel more comfortable having regular support and guidance, other than family/friends.  If you are trying to truly change your entire life for the better and break old habits, I would recommend at least 30-90 days.

What is your Coaching approach, Michelle?

I’m so glad you asked!
Though my approach will change from person to person, my main coaching style is to listen to your situation or issue as if I were your best friend. The good, bad, ugly, and sad…I am genuinely interested in whatever you need to tell me. We will then work together using various tools, approaches, and reprogramming, to begin to make permanent positive changes in your life.  If I feel necessary, and with your permission, I may include some energy healing as well.

I will urge you to let go and tell me whatever it is that is on your mind, and what you are wanting to heal or learn.  I do not sugar coat shit and I am not looking for you to either. I am looking for you to be completely open, honest, and vulnerable with me…for this, will be the foundation for change.

If you haven’t already noticed, I cuss. This is my normal dialogue and what makes my language fit me.  I’m a born-n-raised NYer and cussing simply gives me my charm 😉
When I am trying to express to someone how amazing they are…”You are amazing”  just doesn’t sound right coming from me. It is just not my style and who I am. Now… “You are fucking A-MA-ZING!”  Yeah, that’s me 🙂
With that being said…I am fully conscious that my language and style may not suit some individuals and my goal is for everyone to remain true to themselves. So, if my approach does not mesh with your personality, then I truly appreciate you stopping by and getting this far.

If you need a few suggestions for Coaches with a softer approach, I love to spread love, so just shoot me an email and I would be happy to recommend a few.

Why is Life Coaching becoming so popular?

Hiring a Life Coach has become more and more popular, because some people may be looking for a more laid back type of therapy, support or guidance and not feel like they are actually seeking ‘help’. Each Coach has their own approach and that is one of the beauties of seeking a Life Coach.

Whether you are looking to better your health, become more positive, or looking to find purpose in life, there is literally a Coach to suit every need. Another great factor is that you can find a Life Coach that best suits your personality, instead of a normal therapy type of session.

Some Coaches will talk on the phone, meet you in the gym, invite you to their home, take a walk in the park…the places a Coaching session can take place are endless. This is why having a Life Coach can help a person feel much more comfortable when it comes to opening up and being vulnerable.