
Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.

Roy T. Bennett
Mindset Transformation does not have to be complicated. It is actually quite as simple as it sounds. It is the ability and willingness to transform one’s mind. From childhood, we each have been conditioned and molded to a certain belief system. These beliefs can be good…the belief that you can be anything you want in the world and there are no limits to what one can achieve. Those are some damn good beliefs.
Then there are those, such as myself, that was raised to believe that life is full of limits and there is not enough money, positions, or roles in the world for a person to reach complete happiness. Of course, my loved ones did not deliberately introduce this mindset into my life, however regardless of the ‘how’, it was introduced, it stuck.
This is what happens to many of us. We are conditioned to believe that life has to be hard and that if we prepare ourselves for the worst, we will somehow be better off.
Fuck That.
That is NOT how reality is and honestly, it’s a bunch of bull. In actuality, there is plenty of love, money, cars, clothes, homes, fish in the sea, whatever it is you want…there is a lot of that shit, everywhere! Enough for you, for me, and everyone else in this world.
The one and the only way we can achieve these riches and live to our fullest potential is to start BELIEVING that everything we want is not only possible but achievable. Because it is.
Mindset Transformation can begin simply by reading this post. If you have the ability to open your mind and see things from a different perspective, then you are already halfway to an amazing positive transformation.
Life Coaching is a form of talk therapy that helps identify the underlying issue(s) a person may be having which is hindering them from achieving their goals. An Intuitive Life Coach, such as myself, adds the aspects of spirituality, inner healing, and using your intuition to achieve the desires you want. A person can seek a life coach for general life guidance to help find direction or learn what will help them live a more balanced life. However, an Intuitive Life Coach will help you heal inner wounds, release mental blockages and use spirituality as a platform to guide you in the right direction. Coaching overall will create more positivity within oneself and ultimately guide you in living a more positive lifestyle.
The difference between a Life Coach and a Doctor or Psychologist is that Life Coaches do not prescribe any form of medication nor do we diagnose. A Life Coach simply guides you in the right direction needed to achieve your ultimate potential.
Many coaches have been through tough situations themselves and have come out on the other side, now dedicating their lives, to helping others do the same.
In other words, Life Coaches are Lightworkers.
Having a Life Coach may not be for everyone. If you are someone who is seeking a medical explanation for what you are going through, then you will want to seek medical advice. A Life Coach is a more laid-back form of therapy. Each Coach has a different approach, however, the overall goal of a Life Coach is to understand what you are going through and design a plan of action customized to your specific needs.
I am a 41-year-old born-n-raised New Yorker who loves to shoot the shit and cares about people a whole lot. Think rough around the edges, yet super sweet.
I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse, overcame alcoholism, and learned the fundamentals of healing yourself from the inside out. I am the happiest I have ever been and I can honestly say that no one is responsible for me being happy, but, me. And that feels damn good. I now have a desperate pull to help others get to a point of feeling the same way. Because it is not only possible, it is achievable.
My approach differs from client to client. I am an Intuitive Empath, so as an Intuitive Life Coach, I get a deep understanding of what the person is actually going through and what their ultimate goal is. It is possible I may actually ‘feel’ what you are going through. Emotions and all. It’s all good and we will always roll with it. I will then use my guided intuition to move forward with the coaching.
Sometimes it can just be talking/texting or emailing back and forth. However, I may feel that you have some further energetic blockages that may be hindering you from moving forward in a positive direction. Some blockages that have been with you as long as childhood.
If this is the case, with your permission, I will conduct a distant energy healing as well. This will free your body of any negative weight that has been causing you stress, anxiety, and sometimes physical pain.
I am here to fully listen to what it is that you tell me, to ask questions, and ultimately help you heal whatever block you may have or burden you may be experiencing. My intentions are pure and are divinely guided. Together I believe with all of my heart and soul that I can help guide you in the right direction to live to your fullest potential.



Though I do believe that everyone is coachable, not everyone is coachable at the time they may think. The success of the coaching sessions purely depends on 50/50 the Client + Practitioner. Both parties need to show up and do the work. Coaching begins in one’s mind and believe me, tapping into someone’s mind is not easy, and letting someone tap into your own mind is, well, even harder.
Wanting a Life Coach means that you must be open, honest, and vulnerable.
Especially with Me.
I will gently call you out if I feel there is something you are not telling me and will challenge you in every scenario to believe extremely highly of yourself and the infinite potential you hold…because ultimately I am here to help you and do everything in my power to do so.
* Train your mind to see the positive in ALL situations
* Become aware of your limiting beliefs and mental blockages
* Develop a better way of thinking and being
* Process and manage your goals with confidence
* Relieve stress, negate anxiety, and let go of negativity
* Gain motivation, achieve confidence, and feel good about yourself
* Learn life tools for shifting your mindset to always remain positive and find meaning in every situation
* Attract more positivity, love, and abundance into your life
* Have better relationships and more meaningful conversations
* Achieve mental and emotional clarity
* Manifest your desired reality
